What is SEO?? A Project or Process !!!
Organic search engine optimization is a unique project, which is a process. Like a garden, you often. Sometimes you have an existing garden where the plants are over-or-nothing grows. Sometimes you just have a portion of the yard of your rope, then plant stuff in. like a garden, organic search engine optimization takes time and attention. It can be as simple as setting a timer recording on the water or as complex as starting from scratch.
Organic SEO is like a garden, if you do not have water, he dies.
Soil considerations:
What is the story of what has been done to your website for SEO purposes?
Do you have pages full of links to websites which are not within your company, where some of the site no longer exist, or even a link to an "adult" site? If someone hides a bunch of keywords are the same color as the background to the bottom of the page? Perhaps the page you are on the way to work, a group of keywords in the HTML code?
(I know this is 2009, but some company, somewhere, has this on their website and now.)
Sunlight, rain and other factors:
Traffic analysis - Are there any statistics on the website of the company? What information can you statistics on what keywords, referrers, exit pages, entry's, bounce rates, etc. What are the statistics program does your company use? We ask our customers to the website analysis tool that we use .. http://mcc.hitslink.com - simply because we need them the measurements for our customers and also for the consistent reporting for all customers.
What can we plant in our garden?
Keyword Research - Do you collect the keywords of the client with the current website metrics and client input, what they think, give you someone to look for them. We usually have a method that I use for many, many years. We ask the manager (which is addressed to them at the top), the receptionist, the sales manager, marketing director, CFO, COO, (help to do these two things, and also ensure that you get paid!) to the search terms, 5.10 per piece, and not with each other. This is statistically significant when different people with a phrase more than once. Take these and put them in the tables, so we want to know what the Ministry of Transport and later on. This is the main keyword stage.
You can also correlate the keywords, transport and the lowest bounce rate on its website compared to what the customer expects. Now of course, you should take into account the fact that if the content is not on their website now, they will not be found.
What kind of pesticides would be best to use the bugs?
Competitive Analysis - look at the competitors in the HTML code, you can view the competitors of the SEO strategy? Have they? Hat keywords are competitors using? How do these differ from what you the customer? Have them all directly to the customer. Are the competitors with CMS systems, HTML code, the presence of an SEO company?
These are the people who your customers are of the opinion that their competitors in the economy, not necessarily via the Internet. Sometimes that works to your advantage, because people think your customers are your competitors can not you, the SEO's competitors and as such can be used to obtain market share of competitors is quite fast.
What plants grow best in your city?
Competitive Keyword Research - What keywords are overcrowded? Which keywords are open? If your client is a niche, with very few people in the channel do SEO? If your client is a start-up, where the market or go bald for real estate or insurance, which is bad press?
Audience Metrics - What the customers think that if they're looking for? In addition to the website statistics of what your customers think about the customer in relation to the search? Can you imagine some of your customers customers contact info? (say that 3 times faster ...).
Buy your plants.
Keyword completion - with the market up and down so much these days, if you bound your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for your customers website traffic, you are indeed a problem. Although some people say, keyword search engine ranking is a poor measure of SEO success, I would disagree and say that qualified tracking keyword rankings are important. If 3 out of 10 times a certain keyword phrase motivate visitors to the site to complete your customer contact form, this is a "qualified conversion phrase. The fact that you are # 1 and # 31 for this term is important to do something to your customers and potential customers. This is only the beginning of SEO. We have not even started the review of the site yet. Send the final round of the keywords to the customers for them to sign before you base your calculations. Even at this point, it is a good idea to make sure to know what the company "bread and butter" and which areas in their organization.
Knowledge will help you select your first keyword focus for rapid ROI and also to know which areas you need to grow in. The customer is the cost of SEO should be at least a three-fold return on their investment after a popular.
Baseline - What clients rank in the search results of Google, Yahoo! and MSN for the agreed conditions and targeted keyword phrases. You can shoot yourself in the foot if you try to measure and vague, your best bet is to make the cashier ring and track qualified keywords on a monthly basis to show progress. You can also measure the market share of the customer specified keywords and show them a competitive baseline.
Planning - What should be done and who are the people on the client and agency side. You do not want anyone to irrigate crops in the same time.
Priorities - What should be done first thing that needs to be done, because there is no effort or expense to the customer wasted? Is there a new site in the future for the company? Plans, so that you are not wasting the money of the customers.
Garden Care
The biggest mistake in SEO is that you "do" seo once on a website, you can just walk. Like a garden, if there is no water, the plants die. The nature of the SEO is simply this: the current rules or procedures may or may not be tomorrow. Google is usually the goal we want for SEO, but the target is fairly often. Google, in the fight against the "bad people", which will spam offers to change the way they rank websites often.
By checking the results on a weekly and monthly basis you can see which plants need more water, which is always eaten by bugs. Are the keywords on page 3 of the results, but, because they are converting keywords. Just as you get rid of weeds, get rid of bugs, change the angle of the hose used for irrigation, there are steps you must take full time to grow your SEO.
Linking and niche marketing for the company's Web site or channel. - Your website in Yahoo! Directory, DMOZ and other places on the web, where applicable. Press releases, keywords, and the consequences.
Inspection and maintenance - monitoring the statistics of the week, the water of the site as the most necessary.
Baseline Reports - Contact the baseline reports. Does the plant have 3 copies of the last week or 2? It was an inch in size 2 weeks, now it is 4 inches. Report this progress to the customer.
Bounce Rate and On-Site Changes - If your plant is doing really well, there's more space, more room to grow, more land to spread ins In other words, you can be # 1 of 380000000 results on Google, but will be # 1 is not the company you want to adjust your strategy. Change your focus on the keywords that convert to the weeds that are in your garden, cutting the key words on a page to a bounce rate of 0%.
Organic SEO should be more like a garden, it's a process, a project.